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Silicon Power Corporation – Power Resilience for Maximum Uptime
Businesses from across commercial, financial, and industrial backgrounds are increasing their number of mission-critical applications to reduce risk and remain competitive. But their aspirations are facing an unwelcome adversary as these applications experience increasing power failure events, resulting in facility downtime and loss of business value.
Although businesses are investing heavily on maintaining redundant power lines and using an automatic transfer switch to ensure consistent power supply, these relatively slow switches can be detrimental to facility uptime. Looking under the hood, there are two major forces at play. On one side, there are utilities that are increasingly using distributed energy systems such as wind, solar, and energy storage as part of their power portfolio. These distributed energy systems, however, fail to provide the rotational inertia of conventional generation, which plays a crucial role in helping the grid ride-through various faults. On the other side, the nature of the missioncritical loads is changing rapidly.
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Perry Schugart / Sr. VP Marketing & Business Development
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